Today marks the third birthday of my favourite little girl, my niece Jemma. I cannot believe how fast the past three years have gone, and how quickly I could fall in love with her. She has her Auntie's heart and she knows it. She is a precious little girl who is full of energy, love and attitude.
I have been blessed to have a close relationship with Jemma and love spending as much time as possible with her. Jemma loves to come over and visit and she absolutely adores Baxter. A little jealous because he likes her best for sure. He lets her try and carry him around the apartment and put stickers on his paws, they are BFFs. She always wants freezies or frozen tubes of yogurt so we are sure to keep them on hand. Fort, Disney movies and my old barbies are common activities during visits.
Jemma loves to play dolls and names every one of them Kara, her favourite colour is blue (hence we are out of blue freezies), she is afraid of wolves, is a dare devil and loves jumping and going fast. She needs her stuffed dog Captain to sleep at night and every time we drive together she insists on listening to Taylor Swift's We are Never Getting Back Together, on repeat (she knows all the words).
I am so proud to be her Auntie and she continues to impress and amaze me. Happy 3rd Birthday Love!
Dance recital. Rocking out to the Backyardigans. |
Trip to the Detroit zoo. She fell asleep on my head shortly after, and was disappointed that we only saw baby wolves. |
Jumping on her big trampoline is one of her favourite activities. |
She hates loud noises, but sparklers are right up her ally. |
I have so many selfies on my phone. |
She is wild and crazy. |
She is obviously an aspiring photographer. There is no view finder, which confuses her and she likes to touch the lens. |
She loves to mother anything and is even willing to change poopy bums. |
Love. |