Thursday, March 28, 2013

Stranger Danger {Olympus has Fallen review}

Friday night was movie night. The husband and I and a bunch of friends and what seemed like half the people I know in town headed to the movies because really what else in there to do in Chatham? It turned out to be a fantastic night.

Olympus has Fallen was the movie of choice and I honestly loved every minute of it. I may even go again because I loved it just that much. It was action start to finish and it was wonderful. I am indifferent to action movies typically, I like them, but they are never my favorite  Typically the plot I find lacking or there is an over emphasis on the unnecessary inappropriate relationship and I just never fall in love with the movies. This movie however was wonderful, it had the political, government hierarchy I find intriguing, the idea of sacrificing self for country and it had just awesome awesomeness. I cannot describe it any better other then epicly awesome.

I also believe that the movie Olympus has Fallen is a wonderful example of stranger danger and I may have yelled it at one point during the movie (have I mentioned before that I am a joy to watch movies with?). The only down side to the wonderful stranger danger lesson learned is that anyone young enough to need to remember stranger danger should certainly not watch it. The movie was a touch on the gory/too much detail side of things and a number of times I closed my eyes. A friend of mine ever said she was not sure she breathed the entire movie.

Now the world knows however, if you are under attack NEVER let a stranger and their friends into your top secret super special layer or panic room. The point of one of these locations is for you to go into and panic or stop them or whatever, not for you to then invite the killers in with you.

I would now apologies for ruining it for anyone who has yet to see it (really what are you waiting for?), but really, you had to see it coming. I swear I ruined nothing however because a) you had to see it coming and b) there are so many actual, you never would have guessed it twists that your mind will be blown anyways.

So if we take three things away from this they would be 1) Never trust ANYONE, strangers or friends, shoot first ask questions later (just so no one worries, I do not own a gun and therefore I will not shoot you, but if I were in an epic action movie, watch out!) 2) Watch Olympus has Fallen unless you have a heart condition and then I would still risk it and 3) I have awesome friends who have yet to tell me to 'shut up' during a movie despite my running commentary.

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