Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Busy Bees.

The last little bit has been fairly quiet on the blog front. To be honest, we have been in a very busy season that is lasting a fair bit longer than I would have liked. There have been a number of changes happening and we are yet again working on figuring out a new routine. Weekends with no plans are quickly filling up and we have been starting our weeks already in catch up mode in an attempt to not fall into complete disoray every week. Even the simple act of getting groceries is a stressful, rushed process.

My last job finished about three weeks ago and I have been back to work at my old job at the library for a week now, which means some sort of structure to our lives. At the same time however, as I currently work on making a work schedule (for five people=stressful), it means a bit of inconsistency in terms of working random evenings and weekends. We are being required to schedule better and plan more efficiently or we are left with practically no food in the house and over committing ourselves so there is no time to shop.

Life as of late has been wonderful. The friend filled evenings, small group sundays and family visits have been good for us. We are left feeling loved and cared for, but at the same time busy. It is easy to be gone from the house every night of the week with errands and comitments. I am looking forward to getting into a routine that includes organization and planning. We plan to start schedualing working out and meals, as well as normal everyday things like cleaning the washroom and doing laundry. I will let you know how that goes, but currently it is the plan.

If we could all have the life of a kitten. {Love Him}

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