Friday, February 14, 2014


I have never been one for Valentines day. I think it is the result of being a little bitter and left out at school dances and such throughout elementary school. I was one of those kids who then put on a tough face and pretended it didn't matter when really deep down it probably did.
Now however, I realise there are so many more important things in life and I have a valentine for the rest of my life so why do I need just one day to make a big fuss and put on a show to tell him I love him. Should that not be everyday? The hard part for me however is that on the one hand I do find it silly, on the other, gifts and acts of service are totally my love language. Brent has kid before that he should just wrap up random things around the house, pretend they are presents and I would be happy. He is right. This year at Christmas and my birthday I had a little helper help me open my gifts and it made me a little sad that I did not get that joy. You can also call it selfish. I did in the end resist the urge to push her down and open it by myself.
Anyway, as a result of all of these mixed emotions for a greeting card company day I still get a little excited. This year I woke up to flowers, a pile of presents and cute card from the husband. The real gift in all of it however was the fact that I got to sleep in and he didn't wake me for presents. I love presents, but I also love sleep.
So the morning was presents. The afternoon my work schedule worked out that I got to go and watch some hockey with dad on my lunch and tonight I get to spend the night with my two favourite people. Jemma and the husband. We are taking my niece to a church skate and then to Tim Hortons for a treat. We will then drop her off at her house and then head home for a late dinner and a movie. Low key, but eventful. I am excited.
This is us skating last year. Excited to go again.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

January Books.

This is probably my most exciting month of books. I do not know how I went so long without reading the Divergent series, but I am glad I started.

The Daughters Take the Stage by Joanna Philbin - This is the second book in the series. It was good, nothing awesome and I started the third and left it about a few chapters in. I do like how the author gets you connected with each character as each character is kind of the star of the different books, which is really good because when I started it was sad that the same person was not the main character. For me to like a book there needs to be one of two things, either a good love interest which the first in the series had, or relatable characters.

Divergent by Victoria Roth- If you have not read this series I would highly recommend you do. I might have spent my day off in the bathtub for 4.5 hours reading. It was that good! It is a movie in March and I am all about reading the book before seeing the movie. It was a great book. Not at all what I was expecting, but great none the less. I did make the comment however after a few chapters that I really hope there is a love interest in the book because I am not sure I would have been hooked otherwise. On that front it completely delivered. It is however so much more. I would compare it if I had to, to the hunger games, in that it is a world that is somewhat like ours, but futuristic (set in Chicago) and really looks at the other side of human nature in a lot of ways. It was a wonderful book and I would totally recommend the read.