Thursday, February 13, 2014

January Books.

This is probably my most exciting month of books. I do not know how I went so long without reading the Divergent series, but I am glad I started.

The Daughters Take the Stage by Joanna Philbin - This is the second book in the series. It was good, nothing awesome and I started the third and left it about a few chapters in. I do like how the author gets you connected with each character as each character is kind of the star of the different books, which is really good because when I started it was sad that the same person was not the main character. For me to like a book there needs to be one of two things, either a good love interest which the first in the series had, or relatable characters.

Divergent by Victoria Roth- If you have not read this series I would highly recommend you do. I might have spent my day off in the bathtub for 4.5 hours reading. It was that good! It is a movie in March and I am all about reading the book before seeing the movie. It was a great book. Not at all what I was expecting, but great none the less. I did make the comment however after a few chapters that I really hope there is a love interest in the book because I am not sure I would have been hooked otherwise. On that front it completely delivered. It is however so much more. I would compare it if I had to, to the hunger games, in that it is a world that is somewhat like ours, but futuristic (set in Chicago) and really looks at the other side of human nature in a lot of ways. It was a wonderful book and I would totally recommend the read.

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