Thursday, May 28, 2015


Day 10
We arrived in Florence mid afternoon after a short train ride from Venice. We had our directions in hand to the hotel, so we purchased bus tickets and hopped on the bus to get to our off the map hotel. Google said to get off at Galileo 3, after 1 we pulled the stop signal, the bus stopped at Galileo 5 instead, we thought maybe the driver was trying to help us out as google said the hotel was between 3 and 5. We got out and walked back to 3, and found nothing. We were on the side of a hill that overlooked the city. It was a road on a hill with thankfully a  sidewalk and nothing else. We were lost. There were no buildings let alone a hotel. We found another set of tourists who spoke english and had a map that we asked for help, but their map was the same as ours and therefore not much help. We then came across a little old Italian man who spoke no English, but spoke to us like we knew exactly what was going on. He pointed in the direction he was walking and then just continued on his way. We figured we would follow him and hoped that he was leading us towards where we were going. We don't know if it was intentional, but as a result we found it, and in the end it was supposed to be Galileo 1.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


This was our one full day in Venice. We awoke on the train, ate the breakfast we had packed in our bags and watched out the window as we approached Venice. The train arrived in Venice around 9am, which allowed up most of the day to explore. There were only a few sights that we had planned to see and in the end we decided just to explore, wonder and ditch the museums. Venice was cute. Lots of steps up and down the bridges and we were never able to find the same location twice as the alleys were so confusing. I had done a lot of research before the trip about what to do in Italy and one blog post stuck out to me, it was about how everyone should have gelato twice a day minimum and we now know why. We were more the once a day, but we certainly did not miss a day. The blog also explain the flavours and how to find an authentic location, I highly recommend doing some gelato research before you go. 
Arriving in Venice. 


Day 4
We left London and took the night bus to Paris. Little did I realize that driving in the city would almost make me hurl, but the bus ride was a million times better than the flight we slept like babies. From my research I did ahead of time on how the bus would cross the English Channel, it was either going to go on a ferry or underground, but everything was pointing towards underground, which would have been wonderful as we would not need to get off the bus, this however was not the case. We took a HUGE ferry across, where we found a spot and slept. This was also Brent's first time with half a sleeping pill, it hit him hard.

On the boat from London to Paris.