Wednesday, August 29, 2012


So I love my job. I hate waking up in the morning and I am not sure if I will ever get used to that part, but I actually love what I am doing.

I started here in May and when I interviewed for the position it was supposed to be an 8 month contract with the possibility of extension. When they called to let me know I was the successful candidate they also informed me that there was a 'snag' in the contract. it now would only go until the end of September, but they had already put in the request for my contract to be extended an extra 3 months.

I accepted the position knowing I could not possibly turn down a position in my field. So we had a week to find a place to live, to pack and to move. We picked the 'best of the worst' apartments, which turns out isn't that great. (You can read more about that here.)

Bad apartment aside and the rush and stress of moving, I LOVE my job! It is right in my field, doing what I find interesting and having enough work to keep me super busy at times. I love it, and I love the feeling of loving going to work.

About a month ago however the bad news came. My company is laying off all casual staff at the end of September and no contracts will be renewed. This being my contract. So the job now will only last until the end of September. The news was hard, especially for the other members of my team who have been there between 2 and 4 years. They were on one year contracts that got renewed each January and I had hopped that would be what I would get as well. So the end of September actually will mean an end to our program in general.

As a result of this bad news the summer at work has be busy. My schedule is full of lots of interesting field work.

Today for example I walked through a conservation area mapping various items. Does it get any better than that?

At the end of most days I am exhausted from being outside all day and working hard, but I think that is worth loving what I do.

Also, did I mention I have great coworkers? I think that adds to the enjoyment, but I have people that in the past three months I have really connected with, that I have started to share my life with and theirs with me and it makes it a joy to go to work.

So in conclusion I LOVE my job!  Now all I have to do is find another job I love for the end of September, please be praying.

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