Tuesday, September 4, 2012


So we moved to Mississauga in May. The apartment is small. We are almost never home on a weekend. I work outside most days and am exhausted when I get home. Brent's days due to commuting are almost 12 hours. Due to this combination the result is a disastrous apartment.

We try our best to keep it clean. I am obsessed with organization, but with the little storage and lack of space it is next to impossible.

Our sink is just one small sink with a faucet that is not nice (I get soaked every time I do dishes). As a result, the dishes sit for days, and I will confess, sometimes we only do them when we run out of something and then it becomes a huge ordeal. We are talking multiple loads to hand wash.

I had high hopes when we first moved in, now however due to our utter destine for the apartment we treat it as such and it is not a place we ever want to come home to.

I have been trying to change that lately and I think the next few weeks with me working in the office most days, a lot more will get done around the house. I am one who loves to make to do lists and feel so accomplished when I am able to cross something off.

Tonight's 'to do' list is long, and I cannot wait to finish everything (weird right?). Tuesday is laundry day in our house, not by choice but by only getting the machine one day a week. So I will be doing about 5 or 6 loads of laundry due to camping. I also get groceries the first work day of the week (so typically Monday, but due to the holiday yesterday I will be getting them today). I also hope to do a load of dishes, put away our camping gear and washing the floors.

We will see how it goes with this lofty list of things to do, but if it all gets done, who knows we may actually be one step closer to hosting company on Friday night. We also do well with deadlines and company is always a reason to clean in our house. So here is fingers crossed that tomorrow I will not feel like we are living in a war zone.

Side note: As writing this my favourite chap stick just broke, and like hardcore, no fixing kind of broke. Not impressed, and I was so close to finishing it before I lost it which NEVER happens.

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