Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today we need to make some big decisions. To be honest, I'm nervous either way and not sure of what the results will be.

Today we need to decide if this will be our last month or if we will be moving. The choices of our moving destination are open, with the top of the list obviously Chatham.

Brent and I both applied for a job with the Chatham library. They are hiring six people, so there is a chance we are both successful (especially when Brent had the job last year). However, on the same note, there is a chance neither of us get the job. So do we risk it and move?

I am done work at the end of September and that is the only real thing keeping us in Mississauga. Although our apartment has been getting better, and we are enjoying the city more, our hearts truly are elsewhere. It really just depends upon where our jobs are. Brent currently still has a job, although the one in Chatham pays more, and would be more enjoyable for him, is it worth leaving the one in hopes of getting the other. Do we take the risk? Should he now explore the 'other' opportunities he has put on hold these past few months so we could stay in Mississauga?

I hate the idea of trying to figure out the logistics of moving. I hate the idea of packing, AGAIN. I hate the idea of searching for another apartment that is within our budget. I hate hate the idea of changing my cell phone number, because what if one of these good, career building,  in my field kind of jobs calls for an interview. I hate the idea of uprooting and change.

I do however love the idea of being close to family. I love the idea of heading back to our home church, the church where we were married. I love the idea of being able to get involved with church again. I love the idea of being back with our small group. I love the idea of always knowing where I am going. I love the idea of having friends close by and things to keep me busy.

Most of these are small and insignificant points. But they mean something to me and are all being taken into consideration. It is hard to say what to do when who knows what is going to happen in a month. On the same note, I then worry that we are going to spend the first five years of our marriage moving from city to city, job to job. Why is it so hard to get a good, full time, permanent job? I think I have paid my dues. But that is for another rant post.

So I ask that you join us in prayer as we (most likely) are giving our one months notice to our landlord and trying to figure out what the future holds.

Update: We gave our last months notice. So we are now apartment hunting (kind of). And most of all looking for where God will lead us next, even if it is just to another apartment in Mississauga.

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