Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pumpkin Puree.

I know this is a little late, I started writing it, almost finished and then jetted off the Europe for a few weeks, so the whole blogging thing fell to the wayside. So here it is, not super useful now, but next fall I highly recommend it!

It is Fall. Therefore it is everything pumpkin. I, like 90% of people seem to be obsessed with everything pumpkin. The downside, everything store bought is super high in sugar or in quantities to feed a family not two people. If I buy an entire pie, I will then eat an entire pie. So with my love to bake I have been searching Pinterest for some healthier pumpkin alternatives. Most recipes called for canned pumpkin, but at almost $4 a can, it was looking like an expensive fall season.
I was at the market yesterday and saw a section of pumpkins labeled 'pumpkin pie pumpkin's'. I had no idea what that meant, but I assumed that somehow I could turn that pumpkin $2 or 3/$5 into a pie. I had no idea how to turn said pumpkin into a pie, but I was determined. I then came home and was very disappointed in finding no information on how to make the pumpkin into a pie. So after searching a number of resources I figured I would wing it. It turned out great and with one small pumpkin I made a skinny pumpkin loaf and pumpkin zucchini dark chocolate chip loaf with some left over.

Pumpkin Puree
1- Preheat oven to 450.
2- Pull off the stem and wash the pumpkin. Be sure to dry it after as it will be slippery to cut if you do not.
3- Cut the pumpkin in half. This seems easier than it actually is, if you are having trouble I recommend cutting it half way through all the way around instead of in half in one fell swoop.
4- Once cut in half, use a spoon to scrape out the seeds and guts.
5- Fill the bottom of a 9x13 pan with water. Very little is needed, just enough to have it covering the bottom.
6- Place the pumpkin cut side down in the pan and cook for 45-60 minutes. You will know it is done when it is easily pierced with a fork.
7- Remove the pumpkin from the skin and place in a food processor. Puree until smooth.

Such cute pumpkins.
Cut in half.
Insides scraped out.
Face down in a bit of water.
After being cooked.
It should scrape out easily.

One pumpkin worth.

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