Thursday, November 15, 2012


You do not know how much you miss having the internet until it is gone.

I have been living for the past week and a half with only my cell phone for internet. One would think this is sufficient, and it is kind of sad how much I have come to depend upon the internet for my everyday life, but I truly was missing having my computer.

On a typically day, I wake up and listen to the local radio station online and at times the Country station from Hamilton that I have grown to love. I then use the computer for a little bit of everything from blogging, facebooking, shopping and job applications. Not to mention we do not have cable, our TV is not yet hooked up and my computer does not have a disc drive. Therefore, I watch Netflix and other TV shows online, and I LOVE my TV show.

So after having my brother meet the internet guy who was supposed to call ahead of time and didn't, and after my having to replace the co-auxiliary face plate (I am calling it this, but I have no idea what I did or how I managed to do it, but I feel pretty proud of myself for being successful), I now have internet!

Oh the joys of moving. With internet successfully hooked up, we are onto flooring today. So the hopes are, I head home after work (before going to see Breaking Dawn Part 2!!!) and there should be a brand new shinny floor all across my apartment. Exciting things in the Hartford home!

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