Friday, November 2, 2012


Monday was my last day off before starting work again. It was my last day of watching little Miss Jemma for potentially a while and so we decided to have an adventure, well I decided and she is a baby so she went along with it. It was freezing cold outside and raining which resulted in no outdoor play. I came prepared for indoor adventures.

We carved a pumpkin and made homemade play dough. It was a lot of fun and kept us busy. Miss Jemma loved every minute of it and I enjoyed spending time with my favourite little girl.

To carve pumplins I figured it needed to result in as little and quick of clean up as possible. I laid out a sheet on the living room floor and while watching a recording of Taylor Swift on Katie. I cut the top off, hid the knife and we went to town. Jemma loved pulling the guts out and then putting random objects back into the pumpkin saying 'uh-oh' and then reaching in and taking them back out. She also loved putting the top of them pumpkin back on perfectly. It was all a lot of fun, minus the eating of the pumpkin guts that Miss Jemma kept doing, it was fun and totally within her abilities. When finished we simply put the pumpkin outside and rolled up the dirty sheet.

Flowing the dancing to Taylor Swift and carving a pumpkin we concluded our afternoon with making play dough. This activity did not go as planned, but the end result was still fun. With Little Miss standing on a chair I tried to get her to help and stir in some of the ingredients  which she really couldn't grasp and just wanted to throw it around. This was followed by me not being able to find the salt, which turns out if you want the play dough to last more then a day, is needed. So we made it without salt and Miss J had fun smushing the end product. I am sad it didn't last, but it was so easy to make and was so fun to play with I am totally going to be making more of this with Jemma in the years to come.

Here is the recipe I used for the play dough (thank you Pinterest). Just remember, don't try substituting sugar for salt. It totally doesn't work. The play dough then becomes kind of wet in the following days. Also, the more food colouring, the cooler the colour. Try it out.

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