Sunday, January 13, 2013


I hate job applications. I hate writing cover letters, I hate fixing up my resume and I hate applying to a million and one jobs and hearing nothing in response. I hate the waiting and deciding and the discouragement. I hate it all.

So yes it is that time again, my contract is coming to an end in a few months and I have gone into job application overdrive. Do not get me wrong, until I have a permanent full time job that I enjoy, the job application process never really comes to an end, I just now feel the crunch. I am currently thankful that it is like Christmas on the Conservation Ontario website, so I am excited to see if I actually hear back from the number of resumes and cover letters that will be going out over the next few weeks.

The only thing I currently am able to rest assured in is the fact that I know something will show up. God has provided for the husband and I thus far in our careers and I am positive that He will continue to do so. Throughout our marriage (a year and a half) we have worked at total of eleven jobs in four different cities and although we have never hand continuous employment, we have never been without. One of us has always been blessed with employment and at times at the same time! We have managed to move within a weeks notice and even done the long distance thing to take steps in our careers.

So I am hoping that over the next few months something comes from the number of job applications I have been sending out. I am praying for something a little more permanent  a year contract with health benefits would be nice, actually fantastic. Shoot, a six month contract would be wonderful as well. So who knows what the future holds, but I certainly am hoping it includes another job in my fiend.

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