Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This was Little Miss' second week of gymnastics (You can read about the first week here) and with her parents currently in the middle of moving I was called to participate. So Little Miss and I got our gymnastics gear on and headed out in this crazy warm weathered January night for a night of gymnastics.

Let me just tell you straight up, I have a new found respect for any parent who participates in something like this. Last week I had fun watching as my brother lost Jemma as she took off like a banshee across the gym, this week however it was a little most stressful as I was the one chasing after her. Last week both my brother and sister in law were out of on the floor with her to keep her from running off and getting back hand springed on, this week it was just me. Lets just say after I lost her in the first two minutes I stepped up my ninja skills and we did not have another runaway incident.

This week the class grew from two to six so it was a little adjusting to the idea of waiting our turn, which was hard because Little Miss seamed to have remembered how much fun it was last week and wanted to go-go-go. So we did have a melt down over the fact that we had to wait our turn to run down the trampoline, but that was quickly forgotten. Also, Little Miss is used to getting me to run after and she loves to be chased. As a result she kept trying to run away and was looking back making sure I was following as she took off. This added another level of difficulty for me.

So lets just say that by the end I had worked up a sweat. It was so much fun and I am so glad I was able to go with her. Also, if you ever get the chance to jump on a gymnastics floor, do it, such a cool thing.

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