Saturday, January 5, 2013


The planning has begun. Europe this spring. Fingers crossed that it all works out. I feel like if we just get the big part of booking the tickets done we will be set, we will be certain that we are going.

So we are in the planning stages. We are debating what is worth seeing and what is not. Where to go and what route to travel. If we want to fly or take the train and where we should spend the nights. Can I just say this is MUCH harder then I anticipated.

My type A personality is on overdrive. I don't want to miss any detail. I want to go there and be able to know all about the random monument we are staring at. I want to be educated on where to go and how to get here. I don't want to get stuck in the tube (I am guessing this is a subway) and have no idea what direction to go. On that note can I just share that Toronto, my only real bus and subway experience is greatly lacking and in comparison to London looks like a child created it.

So this is our potential route/destinations:

Scotland - Edinburgh/Glasgow
Ireland- Dublin

Two and a half weeks. Maybe three. Therefore this seems a little extreme for such a small amount of time, but I have the feeling that it might be my one shot, or at least my one shot for a while to see any of these wonderful sites. I try and debate what to cut, however as I lean towards Paris I then look up what there is to see and I fall in love. Also, I did not take six years of extended French to only use it that one time on a ski trip in grade 11. On the same note however other then the french, and the bread and the Eiffel tower and arc de triomphe, its scoring pretty low. I hear rumors its dirty and expensive, but it cannot be called the city of love for no reason.

So we will see what happens. We are still researching and debating. Any must sees or suggestions of what to skip? I am completely open to suggestions.

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