Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I mentioned almost two months ago when I was talking about New Year's Resolution's (here) that I wanted to first start to take more pictures of every day life and second that I wanted to read through the entire bible. This was not a resolution, it was simply something I was thinking and praying about to start sometime over the course of the year.

Well I have not been doing wonderful with the goal of taking pictures of people other than my niece, but I am trying. She is just too cute to resist and she does not complain when I take a million picture whereas most people do. But that is besides the point.

I have started reading the Bible. I chose a Bible reading plan based up on knowing myself. I know I cannot stick to something every single day as life was bound to catch up to me, so I needed some grace. I also understood that I needed something that was attainable so anything under a year was impossible. On the other hand however if something was too far off it would seem like the end was never coming so I knew two year plans like I had originally looked into were not possible. I do however think if this year goes well, that I will start the two year plan which makes it so you read the old testament once, the new twice, the gospels a handful of times and I think like Pslams five times (don't quote me on that, it is just off of the top of my head). So I needed something easy, attainable and logical.

As a result I chose a built in plan on my phone (wonderful, I know). I have the Bible app 'You Version' which allows you to choose from a wide range of Bible versions and has almost as many different reading plans. I went with the chronological plan that has a six days on, one day off routine to it. I figured on that off day I could catch up or read ahead if need be.

I am currently about three weeks into the plan and I am loving it. It is easy on days where I feel like doing it and terrible when I get three days behind, yes that has already happened. It is wonderful because it congratulates you after you finish a day (who doesn't love a little praise and pick me up). I also love that no mater where I am, I am able to read the Bible when I have a few minutes to spare, therefore it is convenient and accessible.

So we will see how the year pans out, but as of now I am loving it and can see actually finishing close to the one year mark. I would so far highly recommend it. There are so many parts of the Bible that I have either never read in whole or potentially not at all, so it is very eye opening and informative.

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