Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Introducing Baxter.

Our little family grew by one a week ago. A part of me wishes I could say that we are pregnant, but we are not, nor are we trying. A few more years till we will hopefully be ready, if you ever really can be. That is a different story in and of itself. Anyways, to keep me content as many of those around us are having babies and such. So we got a kitten. This is a true story. The husband likes to tell everyone.

So we got ourselves a little kitten so as the husband puts it 'I can mother something'. We got a kind of high maintenance kitten and thus far I am loving it. He is a Persian Himalayan, so needs a lot of attention. We chose this kind, not just because it is so easy to fall head over heals with his adorable face, but because of the personalities they are known for. They are affectionate and love to be around people. They are playful but not energetic and for our little apartment we wanted a kitten who would not necessarily get bored or feel cramped.

I wash his face twice a day (his eyes tear and cause stains), we brush him daily to prevent matts and hopefully to get him a bit more accustomed to it as he will need it more when he is older. And at least once a month he requires a bath. I love that I can baby him and that he follows me around the house. I wash dishes and he sits on my feet. I fold laundry and he hangs out in the basket. He is like my shadow and I love it.

I also might take WAY too many pictures and videos of Mr Baxter. Enjoy!

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