Highlights- Flatiron building, 5th Avenue, Washington Square Park, Time Square, Yankees Game
Day Two (Day One can be found
here) started with breakfast at the park and fly in Newark (gotta love free breakfast) and then a shuttle to the New Jersey Penn station. From there we took a New Jersey Transit train to the NYC Penn Station. That was the easy part. Once at Penn Station (which is under Madison Square Gardens and is HUGE!) we proceeded to walk around lost in an attempt to find a place to buy a week subway pass. We continued to ask for help and continued to be pointed in the wrong direction and were even told that the pass we were looking for was no long sold. After standing in a number of wrong lines, sweating like crazy, continuing to walk in the wrong direction, and one bathroom break later we were finally in the right line, and were able to get a 7 day transit card. This card ended up being a saving grace. We used it multiple times a day to get to everywhere we needed to go, it paid for itself multiple times over and when we left the city we were able to give them to another family to use.
Taking the NJ Transit from Penn Station NJ to Penn Station NYC. {Who knew there were two?} |
Trying to find our way through Penn Station. Much harder than it should have been. |
We commuted to the hotel which included a fifteen minute walk in the sweltering heat lugging our luggage. Thankfully this was the only time we had to walk it as we discovered the wonderful thing called buses. We then checked into the hotel and on the advice of a local we met in the elevator, took a cab in the rain to eat at a rooftop restaurant in Eataly called La Birreria. It was a brewery inside of a sort of Italian market place that had a number of small restaurants. It was also kitty corner to the Flatiron Building. The Flatiron building was one of the original steel framed skyscrapers. It was also designed to use the most of the triangular plot of land, hence it was a triangle.
Taking a cab ride from the hotel to lunch to avoid the rain. |
Lunch at Eataly's rooftop restaurant La Birreria. |
Flatiron building. |
After lunch we walked down 5th Avenue, doing some window shopping and going into shops here and there. We stopped for a break in the beautiful Washington Square Park, did a walking tour of the area and then hopped a subway to Time Square.
Walking 5th Avenue.
Taking a break in Washington Square Park. {Side Note- the fake KEDS totally held up to all the walking} |
We walked a lot and were clearly exhausted. |
Time Square was a senses overload. It was loud and busy and bright. Everything was moving and there was something different happening everywhere you looked. The interesting part was that there was actually a set of bleachers set up so you could sit and people watch if you wanted. We spent as little time as possible here. Just enough time to laugh at the random characters, for one to very aggressively attempt for Tiffany to get her picture taken with him, get somewhat schemed into buying a spa package, grab a drink and head back down the subway.
The Girls in Time Square. It was HOT and busy. |
A stop in Time Square before the Yankees Game. |
So many people in costume. |
Time Square. Busy, loud and over stimulating. |
From Time Square we made our way to the Yankees Game. It was a nice relaxing evening, which we needed after walking all afternoon, but to be honest it was not what I was anticipating. I thought it would be busier, like sold out with a number of die hard fans, but I guess that is just what they show in the movies. We are pretty sure however that the entire section beside us were season ticket holders as they all knew each other by name and kept switching seats to talk to different people, so we did have fun doing some people watching. We had ok seats, in what was a HUGE stadium, for about half price with an online coupon, which made for a pretty good cheap night out.
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