Thursday, May 2, 2013

New Routine.

This week has seen a new 'normal' in our house and a part of me is starting to really like it.

Previously the husband started work just outside of town at 8:30. I then started work in town at 9:00 most days. This worked out wonderful for only having one car. We both then finished work at 5 and therefore I was able to pick him up most days only about 15 minutes after he finished. This was nice as the wait was not too much and there was other people at the office and he was able to stay inside and finish up work or work on other things. We had a system and a routine and wonderful friends/family who would pick him up when I worked my one late shift a week.

All that changed however when the boss told the husband's office that everyone was now working 8-4:30. Therefore the office closed at 4:30. The mornings have been hard to get up, but well worth it in the end. I now wake up a half hour earlier, take the husband to work and then stop at the Tim Horton's around the corner from work. I go in and get various things accomplished for about 45 minutes before heading to work. It makes me wish that I liked to drink coffee, however the small frozen lemonade is on for $1, so I have been treating myself to that most days.

This week I have completed four job applications, one blog post, countless blog reading, facebooking and read four chapters. I am thrilled about the time that I have and wonder why I have not done this sooner. I feel refreshed when I get to work instead of feeling like I should still be in bed. Who knows, maybe I am turning into a morning person.

The before work is turning out great, and the after work has been working out only by the grace of God. I mentioned we have some great people in our lives and as a result things so far have been working out with the husband getting home from work. Monday night it was raining and therefore a friend picked him up. Tuesday I finished work at a library close to him and therefore was able to pick him up on my way back into town and yesterday a coworker of his brought him into town because she had commitments in town anyways. So the next three weeks (I am done work is three week ahh) will be a little more hectic and require a little more planning, however I am confident that things will work out.

So if you have been helping or have volunteered to help with our families one car drama we are SO very thankful for you and your offers. If it is was not for wonderful people, the husband would probably get very wet and bored waiting for me to get him every night.

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